How Can I Register for PAMM Account?

2 min. readlast update: 04.08.2024

To sign up for a PAMM account, simply log in to your client area and navigate to the "PAMM Accounts" section. From there, click on "+ Become a manager" to proceed with registration.

You must then fill in all the necessary information about your strategy in the form that will appear, like the one below:

Strategy name: Choose a name for your strategy that will be visible to all investors.

Description: Provide a detailed description of your strategy. You can include images, links, and utilize the features of a standard text editor.

Reward account: Designate a trading account where you wish to receive any performance fees generated by your trading strategy.

Platform: Select your preferred trading platform.

Account types: Choose the type of trading account you wish to use.

Currency: Specify the base currency for your trading account.

Reward frequency: Select the frequency at which generated rewards will be distributed, either Weekly or Monthly.

Reward days: Specify the days when rewards are processed.

Reward time (UTC): Set the time of day when rewards will be distributed on the selected days.

Reward type: Decide whether rewards will be based on all generated profits (Share of profit) or only on profits generated beyond the High Water Mark (High water mark)

Reward amount, %: Specify the percentage of profits the money manager will receive as a performance fee at each distribution.

Minimal investment amount: Define the minimum investment amount required for investors to participate.

Allow deposits and withdrawals for active investments: If enabled deposits and withdrawals will be allowed for investments, both fully and partially. If disabled, an investor can only create a new investment or close the current investment in full, being unable to deposit/withdraw on an active investment.


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