Adding Indicators

1 min. readlast update: 10.11.2024

How can I add Indicators on Sway Charts Pro?

To add indicators, go to the compass icon and press Add Indicator.


From here, you can either search the indicator by category or just look it up by entering its name in the search field.

Pressing on the Star to its right will mark the indicator as Favourite which in turn will make it available in the favourites tab for quick access.


Once the indicator desired is found, all you need to do is click it and it will show up on your chart.

To remove an indicator which is currently on your chart, you need to press on the compass icon and then go down to Indicators in use and the ones you currently have available on your chart will be displayed there with an X icon to its left which can be clicked to remove the individual indicator a Delete all indicators button at the bottom to remove them all.



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